Etaireia Koinonikis Paremvasis Kai Politismou Tis Nomarchiakis Aftodioikisis Magnisias

Partner | Greece
EKPOL is a civil non-profit council of the Region of Thessaly, public equivalent body, which aims at successfully tackling obstacles on society issues (support vulnerable groups and promote strategies for social inclusion, cohesion, and development). Additionally, EKPOL aims at implementing Projects for the cultural promotion of Thessaly Region through co-ordinated actions. It was established in 1996.
There are 5 people working on a permanent basis for EKPOL with all others trainers working on a per hour basis. In the field of Cultural development, EKPOL aims at supporting associations and organizations -public and private- related to culture, education, sports, health and social care in Thessaly Region as well as at reporting and studying their experience and contribution.
One of its major goals is the promotion of local cultural tradition and identity of Thessaly. EKPOL also:
- Organizes public sports events.
- Supports research, study, and development of new restoration techniques.
- Promotes measures for the cultural heritage of Thessaly (moveable-immoveable, archaeological sites, museums, collections, maritime civilization).
- Enhances contemporary cultural activity and undertakes cooperation actions (studies, research, reports, conferences, experience exchange, use of IT about cultural activity in Thessaly) among organizations on a national and international level.
- Enables communication among Region of Thessaly and other areas on a regional, national, and international level and implements Community Programmes which inform citizens on cultural affairs.
- Raises public interest on cultural activities through the organization of exhibitions and “Day for Culture” events, information through audio-visual products, so as to strengthen the link among European member-states and promote their development and common cultural heritage with respect to their national and international differences.
- Takes part in lots of projects with the cooperation of Third World countries, focusing on Central and Eastern European member states and the cooperation agreements signed with the EU.
- Supports the use of advanced technology and communication services which enable people to access information about culture, as well as the investment on research and project implementation about activities related to tourism, sports, entertainment, mass media, and so on.
EKPOL aims at successfully tackling obstacles on social issues as well as implementing projects for the cultural promotion of Thessaly Region. It is run by a Board chaired by the President appointed by the Region Governor.